A collection of 24 films that take a look at the dark side of the festive sea
某小村中学,对考古具有浓厚兴趣的老师八部高史(竹中直人 饰)及其学生月岛令子(上野めぐみ 饰)在进行一项研究时双双失踪。一时间校内人心惶惶,各种流言猜测四
In 1979, a young girl stumbles upon a possessed tape player. She unknowingly
A remote helpline volunteer is targeted by a stranger who lures women from th
一晚,在开往蒙特利尔的路上,马丁·德朗布尔(乔治·巴克 George Baker饰)邂逅了年轻美丽的女孩帕特里夏·斯坦利(卡罗尔·格雷 Carole Gr
Archaeologists defile the tomb of mummified Kharis, who was buried alive for
路易丝(麦肯兹·戴维斯 Mackenzie Davis 饰)一家人受邀前往与世隔绝的乡间小屋度假,却在各种诡异细节中发现了惊悚秘密——沉默不语的男孩(丹·
One of the five sci-fi's I remember every single detail of from my earlie
Tells the story of a young man who has amnesia. He bands together with a rugg
描述潜水员克里斯(芬恩柯尔 饰)在一次「修复爆裂油管」时遇到意外而被困海底,氧气瓶仅剩10分钟可使用,而负责救援的队友邓肯(伍迪哈里逊 饰)与戴夫(刘思慕
The film follows five teenagers who are stalked by a killer in the woods. How
Mike and Heather's father die and they go to his favorite spot to spread his
1989 / 其它 / Keith,Van,Hoven,卡琳娜·赫夫,保罗·保罗尼
The life of a woman named Farah. After officially getting married and having
燥热枯燥的长途旅行,怪物卡车司机“锈钉”(肯·科齐格 Ken Kirzinger 饰)的血腥旅程仍未结束,17号公路上布满残肢断体,娱乐着他的邪恶趣味。某
凯拉(劳拉·乔丹 Laura Jordan 饰)、梅丽莎(尼姬·埃克斯 Nicki Aycox 饰)、鲍比(尼克·扎诺 Nick Zano 饰)和尼克(凯