戏剧作家白兰度(郑昊 饰)有一个与之截然对立的人格(贾伟 饰),“两人”形成互补,成为无话不说的知己。但在现实中,白兰度神经兮兮的样子让他和妻子林芙蓉的关
Four famous directors and old friends are reunited together by an unknown pro
After the suicide of her only friend, Rachel has never felt more on the outsi
Leila| a lonely young soul spends the night partying with her friends Nancy|
名叫佐伯俊雄(小山僚太 饰)的男孩多日未曾上课,他的级任教师小林俊介(柳优怜 饰)按照地址登门拜访,发现家里乱七八糟,臭气熏天,而独自在家的俊雄则浑身是伤
The destination of Emily Wolf, the host of a travel show's next episode happe
In 1976 a troubled teen befriends her bullied neighbor, seeking revenge on hi
Two members of a defunct neo-Nazi metal band reunite at the site of their ban
Tells the story of a young man who has amnesia. He bands together with a rugg
描述潜水员克里斯(芬恩柯尔 饰)在一次「修复爆裂油管」时遇到意外而被困海底,氧气瓶仅剩10分钟可使用,而负责救援的队友邓肯(伍迪哈里逊 饰)与戴夫(刘思慕
The film follows five teenagers who are stalked by a killer in the woods. How
Mike and Heather's father die and they go to his favorite spot to spread his
1989 / 其它 / Keith,Van,Hoven,卡琳娜·赫夫,保罗·保罗尼
The life of a woman named Farah. After officially getting married and having